Saturday, March 11, 2006

Saturday fun and cold feet.

L&WMRS Clubrooms
Originally uploaded by Phil_Parker.
Many of my recent Saturdays have been spent on a full size modelling project. Building our railway club’s new premises.

The new premises are in a farm building south of Leamington Spa. It was a drying shed. Now it’s (nearly) one of the best clubrooms in the UK.

After several months of work we’ve built new inner walls. The space (3000 Sq Ft) has been divided into a large layout room, smaller library, kitchen and two toilets. Guided by people who know what they are doing (thanks Dave & co.) we have learned how to put up plasterboard and the insulation behind it, hang a suspended ceiling and loads of other proper building jobs.

Progress has been taking place on Saturdays and Thursday evenings. Some time it has been so cold that the paint wouldn’t dry and plastering was a no-no.

Slowly the new premises have emerged. We are all really pleased with what we see. A lot of this is because we built it ourselves. Amateurs, people who have never wielded a block cutting device in anger. It’s ours. We enjoyed working as a team to achieve this.

In a few months time all the pain and frozen feet (we’ve insulated the floor) will be forgotten. Normal service will resume as the layouts emerge from their current coverings.

There will be some changes. No more washing up of mugs thanks to the donation of a dish-washer. No cleaning brushes in the kitchen areas either as we have a “dirty” sink. Plenty of space for the magazine and book collection and comfort for those of use who go along to drink tea and chat.

Mind you, there is still a little way to go and a few more Saturdays to be sacrificed. Good fun though.

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